FSA Orbit Xtreme Pro 1.5R Headset
1 1/8 Version
The Good
Gets the job done with minimal servicing.
The Bad
...catastrophic failure of the bottom cup.
Super shady warranty fine-print.
They have no contact number for customer service, and they won't seem to respond to the bike shop that I am dealing with.
Overall Review
For a headset whose name includes adjectives such as "xtreme" and "pro", the thing just didn't stand up to abuse like I thought it would. It has a 10 year warranty if you never use it for aggressive riding or competition. What the hell? If they stood behind their product and simply replaced it, this would have been a completely different story.
FSA Orbit Xtreme Pro 1.5R Headset
Member Rating:
Vital MTB Stack Hoody
hoodie goodie
The Good
Comfy, soft and warm. Zipper works. Be a walking/riding billboard for the coolest mtb website since Litter!
The Bad
Ooh, Vital is forcing a negative comment in order to submit my review. I like that.

However..I haven't any negative comments about my treasured Vital hoodie.
Overall Review
"It is a hoodie, how can you go wrong!" emc2
Vital MTB Stack Hoody
Member Rating:
FSA Orbit Xtreme Pro 1.5R Headset
The Good
Seamless installation, no surprises. Deep cup insertion - no rocking ever, no ovalized head tubes. The bearings are huge, so no worries for huckers. Looks like it came out of the Lockheed test facility.
The Bad
Overall Review
Excellent headset, truly quality product from a truly quality company that is great to work with!
FSA Orbit Xtreme Pro 1.5R Headset
Member Rating:
Manitou Dorado Pro (2010) Downhill Fork
Dorado Pro
The Good
Simple air system to work with, excellent damping with a wide range, impressively stiff, and very lightweight for the budget-minded model of this fork. Comes in a totally awesome custom case.
The Bad
How disappointed I'll be when I scratch it!!!!
Overall Review
After riding this fork for a little over a month on a variety of terrain, all I can say is: the Dorado Pro is forking excellent!!!! Really looking forward to riding this fork over the long haul. Manitou has got this dialed.
Manitou Dorado Pro (2010) Downhill Fork
Member Rating:
Superco Charger Hardtail Frame
a joy to ride
The Good
handmade in the u.s.a, awesome geometry...feels just like a bmx bike with big wheels. rides like a dream
The Bad
seatpost diameter is less-than common, but nothing impossible to find.
Overall Review
i have a smile on my face every time i ride this frame. it was worth every penny.
Superco Charger Hardtail Frame
Member Rating:
FUNN Soljam Viper Flat Pedal
The Good
Good concave design, wide platform, strong, sealed bearings
The Bad
needs longer pins for better grip(i added 12mm ones), the grip ape center tends to gather alot of mud!
Overall Review
i would definitely recommend these to anyone who rides more dirt than street and definitely get the sealed bearing version.
FUNN Soljam Viper Flat Pedal
Member Rating: